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“They're open, friendly, reliable and do a really good job” – Lane Monnington Welton

Author: Tom Mason

Delivering accountancy, tax and business advisory services to individuals and businesses in Basingstoke, Lane Monnington Welton (LMW) prides itself on quality of service and meeting client needs with care and respect.

With a tight-knit team, the firm is director-led and has grown primarily through referrals and recommendations by cultivating excellent relationships with clients.

Jack Little, Director at LMW, shares his experience with randd uk, informed by this client-centred approach.

Starting the journey

The firm began providing R&D tax advisory services after recognising the opportunity to further enhance client service through an existing professional relationship with randd uk.

“About five years ago, we decided that R&D is something we ought to be offering,” said Jack.

“We were already aware of randd uk and had worked with the team before. “We used to do a few claims in-house with clients and we’d put everything together – but those have pretty much stopped now that we work with specialists.

“Long story short, we invited them up here to run some sessions with our clients who were interested. We did around two or three sessions of that, which was very effective. We got lots of our clients on board with them and we’ve had a very good relationship ever since.”

Identifying opportunities

LMW entered the world of R&D tax with a solid understanding of the complexities of the scheme and the requirement of assessing client work for eligible claims.

Jack said: “R&D tax is obviously quite specialised, particular with writing reports and complying with new regulations, but we didn’t have the demand for an in-house R&D specialist. However, we saw a good opportunity for clients who do undertake R&D.

“The way it works for us is that, if we identify an opportunity for an R&D tax claim for a new or existing client, we can arrange a chat with the team at randd uk for them.

“Ryan and the team can then assess the claim and decide if it’s something worth exploring. We trust each other a lot now, and we can work together to screen client projects. It makes sure that everything is done efficiently, and we don’t waste anyone’s time.

“We certainly don’t recommend anyone else.”

Seizing an opportunity

With many accountancy firms pulling down the shutter on R&D tax claims, LMW is bucking the trend. With the help of randd uk, it can identify eligible work with confidence and support clients through making a claim – a partnership which has added up to £4 million in client value.

“I definitely think that over firms are missing an opportunity,” said Jack. “They think it’s too complicated and not something worth doing. I do understand – if we were new to it now, it would seem very complex.

“However, the main thing here is that we’re looking at how we can help our clients and getting the experts in, rather than closing those doors entirely.

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a client who’s had an enquiry come up from their claim. Even if we did, I’m confident randd uk would sort it out without much hassle.”

A relationship with randd uk

Jack summarised his experience with randd uk as “extremely positive”: “The feedback we’ve generally been getting from clients is that it’s a service delivered with integrity.  If they don’t think a claim has legs, they won’t put it through.

“We’ve never had a problem with them – They’re very friendly and reactive!”

Want to work with randd uk? Contact a member of our team today.