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£618k Awarded to Eight Companies

Author: Gareth Smyth
  1. Yorkshire based architects awarded £9k taking total claims to £26k over three years

Established in 2007, the company are a studio of highly creative and imaginative architects committed to designing buildings. Each project WMAL undertakes regardless of its size, complexity or cost is treated with the same commitment and desire for its success. The company does not restrict itself to building types or styles and takes the lead from its clients. The team enjoy a broad range of projects in the studio from master planning to bespoke design, giving them challenges of scale, context, environment, and cost.

  1. Yorkshire based payments solutions company received £42k for the first two years of claims

The company is an independent payments advisor offering guidance on all types of business payment solutions. Their ethos is focused on the merchant and the provision of the best payment solutions according to business and industry type. The company is totally independent and works with a wide range of payment service providers and acquiring partners, enabling them to offer a wide range of payment solutions across all sectors. The company will work with clients to assess their needs before matching them with the best hardware and software suppliers, all at the lowest possible rates.

  1. Yorkshire based video production company awarded £4k with total claims of £38k

Established in 2010, the company started off as a traditional video production company specifically for the corporate sector before diversifying into the online landscape. This led to the company examining the possibilities of streaming content live, as well as producing high-quality coverage without the studio costs traditionally involved. The company has become a genuine innovator in the industry as they were one of the first companies to investigate the technologies available, and how hardware and software could be linked together to produce completely new ways of generating output.

  1. Yorkshire based farming group received £154k taking total claims to £233k

The group’s produce is Red Tractor assured which means that the food has been produced safely for human consumption, responsibly sourced and that the crops and animals have been well cared for. These standards are based on the key principles to ensure that the animals have the right living space, food, and water and are healthy. Fertilisers and pesticides are only used when necessary to keep crops healthy and always in a manner that reduces the risk of pollution and impact on wildlife as much as possible.

  1. Hampshire based manufacturing firm awarded £138k

The company works with clients in the aerospace, oil & gas, nuclear, defence, scientific instruments/medical, automotive, and power generation industries. These industries require the production of bores in components to extreme tolerances and in some cases to sub-micro geometrical tolerances combined with specific surface finish requirements. It also offers Research & Development for one-off prototypes and a dedicated manufacturing facility to produce high-quality parts to exact tolerances. The company has worked to ensure that its name is renowned for quality and on-time delivery, with ‘just-in-time’ schedules forming a regular part of the production and the development of its processes through lean manufacturing initiatives also enables the company to offer cost-effective solutions to its clients.

  1. Gloucestershire based health and safety company received £110k in an 18-month claim

Incorporated in 2016, the company is a true innovator engaged in a combination of scientific R&D and internationally recognised testing at each stage of development, across diverse sectors to protect people and places. The research they undertake greatly enhances the health and safety of people and a myriad of built environments, as the traceability and authentication of manufacturing materials. The company strive through continuous investment into R&D projects to develop leading-edge safety technology that is making a major contribution to improving the capabilities of UK plc and industry throughout the world. They believe that the formula to their success lies in the versatility and comprehensiveness of their solutions that satisfy world-class work environmental process needs. The company shows the continued growth of the capability of the business through additional employees, sub-contractors and test equipment. Continued growth has enabled greater R&D prospects.

  1. Flour mills and bakeries group awarded £105k taking total claims over £348k

The group spans farming, flour and feed milling and baking, with ten flour mills on four sites, a feed mill, two modern bakeries and 7,500 acres of mainly arable land in England. Whilst the group preserves the family business virtues of quality, loyalty, and good staff relations, it is also a very modern, entrepreneurial company. Aside from investing millions in state-of-the-art facilities throughout the organisation, it pioneered top-quality burger bun manufacturing in the UK and has interests in a specialist milling business in France.

  1. Nottinghamshire based manufacturing firm received £54k

Incorporated in 2018, the company is a leading privately owned valve mounting kit manufacturer. Their business has grown to meet the needs of their increasingly diverse client base and they now work throughout the UK. They work locally and nationally using the latest equipment and know-how to achieve results. Whether the customer requires a quick turnaround or has a long-term project, they can help. They always enjoy a challenge and they have been involved in a variety of technically challenging projects. Quality and attention to detail are key to them and they are constantly seeking new production methods to meet their customers’ demands. They can be more selective with who they carry out work for now, having quickly grown to a comfortable size. The focus is now on streamlining and refining processes, procedures, equipment and software through innovative research and development work.

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