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£579k Awarded to Ten Companies

Author: Gareth Smyth
  1. Leicestershire based print company awarded £32k

The company was founded over 30 years ago in Leicester to develop retail displays for its clients. With a strong emphasis on the promotion of newspapers, brochures, and magazines. It has developed its offering into food and beverage retail displays for all the major UK outlets and its print media displays are also seen at all major service and railway stations as well as airports throughout the country.

  1. Derbyshire based design and fabrication company received 47k

Incorporated in 1974, the company is one of the UK’s most established and trusted design and fabrication companies and is widely acknowledged as the preferred partner when fulfilling projects for international gas and oil and petrochemical companies. Through investing heavily in the very latest plant machinery and sophisticated welding equipment, and through the aid of agents being situated across the world in key areas, the company is in a powerful position and operates on a global scale in the fulfilment of most associated pipeline equipment.

  1. Greater Manchester based manufacturing firm awarded £63k

Established in 1987, the company is at the forefront of emerging manufacturing technology in its field of expertise. Demand for their products is extended by new material developments that provide ever greater product performance, as seen in the rapidly growing applications for exotic alloys and carbon composites, providing step-change enhancements in performance.

  1. Nottinghamshire based construction company received £228k

The company develop equipment for construction installations and provide specifications for equipment designs and developments. As a leading supplier and installer of street lighting, traffic signs, signals, communication systems and associated civil engineering, they have also played a key role in the development of project design and buildability whilst working strategically within a wide range of contractual arrangements.

  1. Greater Manchester based water treatment company awarded £50k

The company is an independent water treatment company specialising in the design, development, manufacture, installation, and commissioning of water treatment systems. The success of the business is based largely on its ability to develop technologically advanced products and processes at competitive prices.

  1. Yorkshire based transmission systems business received £27k

Established in 1981, the company specialises in providing new and innovative solutions to transmission problems through the development of transmission systems and the required components such as gearboxes to achieve more efficient, lower energy-consuming prime movement mechanisms.

  1. Yorkshire based 3D printing company awarded £20k

Incorporated in 2017, the company used the founder’s experience in design and manufacturing to demonstrate that additive and 3D print technology unlock real benefits for manufacturers and consumers. The founder is an internationally recognised, multi-award-winning design expert who has developed concepts that take advantage of additive manufacturing to create profitable products and devices for SME’s, multinationals, and blue-chip companies.

  1. Derbyshire based engineering firm received £42k

Incorporated in 1993, the company is a major turnkey company covering an ever-expanding area across the UK.  The company has a strong ‘can-do’ attitude and can provide qualified engineers to carry out on-site service for Repair and Maintenance, Vibration Analysis, Thermographic Surveys and Balancing.

  1. Nottinghamshire based manufacturing firm awarded £46k

Established in 1980, the company develop, manufactures, and install bespoke retail interiors, specialising in highly demanding and technically challenging luxury brands. The company has extensive manufacturing facilities to produce most material types and jointing systems, including state-of-the-art CNC machining, an in-house spray shop and prototype-building capabilities.

  1. Yorkshire based sheet metal company received £21k

Founded in the 1940s the company specialises in working with sheet metal its skill is in thin metal work, making pieces for larger up-stream multi-part products. The company does not employ any sales force but has built up an enviable reputation with its long-standing customer base.

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