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£270K awarded to 4 clients

Author: Gareth Smyth

Following the released winners of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise we are thrilled to announce our client Huub Design has won the UK’s most prestigious business award. There are 205 winners announced across the UK and the award is given for outstanding achievements in:

  • innovation
  • international trade
  • sustainable development
  • promoting opportunity (through social mobility)

After a previously unsuccessful application for the award, Huub Design’s MD, Dean Jackson asked for help from Patrick Eaton, R&D Consultant at randd uk ltd.  Patrick (an experienced technical analysist) put the wheels in motion and contacted one of his network who worked with Dean to draft the application for the Award. Previously unrecognised achievements were highlighted and resulted in Dean being invited to Buckingham Palace to receive the Award. Huub Design is the only company in Derbyshire and one of only three in the East Midlands region to receive the award this year.

Based only a stone’s throw from randd’s office in Derby, Huub Design has been revolutionising the market with its triathlon and open-water swimming wetsuits and tri-suits since 2011. Innovation in the wetsuit market has declined in recent years, with little development in products that were available to elite swimmers and triathletes. The business countered this by creating innovative products that enabled the desired flexibility and buoyancy levels that deliver sufficient efficiency gains to athletes. Their products have proven so effective that Olympic medal winning athletes for team GB Alistair and Jonny Brownlee proudly support the company, frequently wearing their clothing at competitions. Huub Design’s contribution to the industry and its ability to satisfy customer needs has led to their recognition as an outstanding company in the field of innovation. Their achievements have been built upon by successfully claiming R&D tax credits through the help of randd uk which allowed them to further their investment in ground-breaking R&D.

Huub Design are amongst hundreds of UK clients that use randd uk’s services to improve their cash-flow and continue their commitment to innovation. These are some more of our client success stories:

A claim worth £83K is awarded to precision engineering company making their total claim to date £650K

Based in Yorkshire, this firm continues to develop and manufacture special purpose equipment and tooling for aerospace, rail and steel mill equipment. After reduced production by steel mills around the world, the company has focused on innovation as a way to win new business. The company prides itself on its ability to supply goods in 8- week lead times on projects that would usually take several months, even to international markets. They constantly seek ways of providing better, faster, and more economical processes of developing products to a high standard. Their proactive approach to R&D involves a constant review of new and emerging technologies including new materials and specialised heat treatments as well as new computerised metrology sciences in order to achieve the highest degree of dimensional accuracy and repeatability. The company also develops steel mill production equipment producing special coatings to improve performance of bearings.

Electro- mechanical engineering business receives £19K from HMRC this year making their claim total £92K to date

Specialists in electro- mechanical engineering services and electric motor rewinds, the company has extensive experience in the motor rewinding industry. They regularly invest in the latest equipment, upgrading the premises and personnel training making the firm innovative by nature. They work in a number of fields including vacuum pressure impregnation, mechanical- engineering, motor winding, developing new motors and more. They must keep up with the latest technologies to ensure they are providing their clients with the most efficient solutions to improve their processes. Their R&D projects have included trials, prototypes and problem solving.

Ventilation technology firm receive a claim worth £14K

This company is at the forefront of ventilation technology. They provide a diverse range of innovative, high quality ventilation and heat recovery solutions to the domestic market with thousands of projects completed nationwide. They supply, install, and commission high performing residential ventilation systems and use the most up- to- date technology. Their team works closely with architects, engineers and developers to ensure they provide they best products, developing techniques to avoid air quality problems associated with flexible ducts and incorrect installations, and air flow problems. The business has undertaken a large number of projects that have required bespoke solutions through intense trialling and problem solving.

Sports performance business receives a claim worth £19K

This company aims to be the UK’s leading sports performance business. They are partners with elite level sports federations and they want to bring elite level sports performance to a wider audience. They have developed programmes to reach a more diverse audience including schools, colleges, universities, and businesses. With the cost of player injuries increasing each year, the company has sought to develop a strategy to relieve the financial cost of injured players through working on a scientific rehabilitation product. The business has also worked with higher education institutions to create a scientific approach to enhance student employability skills in the sports sector so they can access elite sport more easily.

Could you be eligible for an R&D Tax Credits claim?

During these turbulent economic times, businesses across the country are looking for solutions to their cash flow problems. Many companies are looking for grants and loans and overlook that fact they could be eligible for R&D Tax Credits. By successfully claiming R&D Tax Credits, your company could receive a cash injection from HMRC in as little as four weeks.

Call our experts today on 01332 477 070 for a free, no obligation eligibility consultation. Your business could be our next success story!