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£260k Awarded to Ten Companies

Author: Gareth Smyth
  1. Derbyshire based engineering firm awarded £63k taking total claims to £259k

Since the incorporation of the company in 2001, it has been the company’s quest to build an organisation comprising of the best mechanical design engineers capable of carrying out the most demanding and innovative engineering projects. As mechanical design engineers, the company works in a modern facility which includes a design and drawing office, large capacity machines, fabrication areas and assembly spaces.

  1. Shropshire based skincare company received £11k

Established in 1985, the company make all the original products, and many more, by hand to the traditional, closely guarded secret recipes, using the minimum of equipment. They are now located on the Shropshire / Cheshire border in rural England. Every product in the range has been specially developed to meet the needs of their customers whilst complying with their business ethos of providing environmentally friendly products using natural ingredients. Each formulation is created specifically, using a process of research and development to ensure the products they sell to maintain the optimal benefits to skin while smelling and feeling lovely, as well as having a long enough shelf life to make them commercially viable.

  1. Lincolnshire based LED Lighting company awarded £14k in first claim

The company was established in 2005 to provide high quality LED lights and far infrared heating solutions at market-beating prices. The company has also diversified into the development of taser holsters and gun holsters for the American police force. The development has been carried out to improve upon holsters available on the market that did not meet their needs. Procure has conducted extensive research and prototyping to provide innovative solutions for safely holstering the tasers.

  1. Yorkshire based online brick retailer received £20k

The company was established in 2004, as a response to a shortage of bricks that occurred in the UK. The Company set about trying to develop a solution to this situation by creating a website and, more importantly, facilitating builder’s merchants to put their stock onto their system. More recently the company have explored the possibility of moving into other bulky goods and building materials, as well as migrating the technology to the United States, both of which have raised new challenges and technical uncertainties.

  1. Greater Manchester based engineering company awarded £37k

The company was founded over 30 years ago in 1983 and has continuously been servicing the needs of the Plastics, Rubber & Feed industries ever since. The company is a specialist engineering company that has diversified and developed its process and knowledge to become the leading screw and barrel manufacturer and refurbisher in the country. Over the years, it has brought new services to its customers like screw manufacture, tie bar repair, grooved feed liner manufacture and many more new product initiatives.

  1. Hampshire based marketing company received £7k

The company was founded in 2005 as a multi-discipline agency. They help brands to communicate, engage, evolve and grow by applying innovation to marketing communications. Their clients benefit from their broad knowledge and varied skill set. They repeatedly deliver excellent creative communications across multiple channels for a varied client-base. Always looking to the future, they are constantly searching for new methods and techniques that will assist and advance their clients communication requirements.

  1. Shropshire based manufacturing company awarded £9k

The company is a versatile cold roll-forming company, manufacturing high quality steel sections, predominantly for the ceiling and drywall market sector. Founded in 1967 and incorporated into its present form in 2003, the company has gained widespread expertise and product knowledge through developing close ties with its customers and steel suppliers. To meet its goals, the company trades on its invaluable experience over many years to consolidate its core strengths of innovation, quality and customer service, to ensure its customers, both at home and abroad, enhance their profile with the use of its products.

  1. Shropshire based mobility assistance products company received £32k

The company designs and manufactures products to assist children and adults with standing & walking development, independent mobility, cycling & leisure, and gym-based therapy. Faced with competition and ever-increasing price pressures, the company introduced an ongoing strategic product analysis and review for this fiscal year being reported to identify technical and production advantages that could be adopted to combat these challenges and deliver better quality products without compromising standards of excellence. The review has started to produce benefits through small modifications and standardisation of components to major technological challenges.

  1. Nottinghamshire based control systems company awarded £29k

Founded in 1976, the company is renowned for fast, discrete and efficient design and development work on control systems for use in the industrial sector. As industry in the UK evolved, the company expanded their range of services and skills to design and manufacture electronic products for a wide range of sectors and applications. The company pride themselves on the quick turnaround they provide from a project’s commencement, through to the production of an initial prototype.

  1. Derbyshire based engineering company received £37k

Formed in 1947, the main challenges for the company were related to health & safety, employment law, quality systems, information technology, factory automation and a diminishing manufacturing base in the UK. The company relishes the opportunity to bounce ideas around the experienced and talented engineering team to develop bespoke solutions for their clients. A new sophisticated IT infrastructure has been installed and Research & Development has become second nature to Acres. The company undertakes an extensive amount of unique and ‘one-off’ projects in a year, all requiring bespoke solutions through intense trialling and problem solving.

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