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£196k Awarded to Seven Companies

Author: Gareth Smyth
  1. Leicestershire based metrology technology company awarded £23k taking total claims to £198k

Incorporated in 1998, the company continues to develop leading-edge metrology technology that is making a major contribution to improving the capabilities of UK plc and industry throughout the world. The company can monitor the industry constantly, providing much needed guidance and direction for constructive R&D project selection and the metrology needs of the world’s industries. This year has been one of consolidation, focusing on the creation of more robust products that meet customer needs. This has provided important intelligence and direction for future R&D. The company can now achieve in six days what has previously taken a specialist engineer three weeks to achieve. All achieved by developing the assembly process and undertaking the actual work and investing in and laying out the production systems necessary for this to happen.

  1. Hampshire based noise control company received £58k in first claim

Established in 1986, the company is a successful noise control company that has been providing commercially viable acoustic products and solutions across a range of industries for over 35 years. The company shows continued growth of capability through additional employees, sub-contractors and test equipment. Continued growth has enabled greater R&D prospects. This year has been one of consolidation, focusing on the creation of more robust products that meet customer needs. This has provided important intelligence and direction for future R&D. All products have been reviewed and checked for their robustness in their user operational environments, resulting in the development of much improved user interface controls and data readout capabilities, making them more user friendly to the worldwide marketplace.

  1. West Sussex based air and water treatment services company awarded £23k in first claim

The company is a specialist provider of customised solutions for air & water treatment services that requires regulatory compliance standards be met. These services include temperature audits, water sampling, tank inspection & remediation, pH monitoring, and thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) monitoring. The company liaises closely with clients to understand their core requirements prior to developing solutions that employs a combination of new technologies and practices. There are however no guarantees that proposed solutions will be accepted, though the company believes that ‘proof of concept’ serves as a useful precursor since its active trial deployments allows solutions development and outcomes to be visualised first-hand. This approach is expensive in terms of up-front investment in research and modelling planning before the company can develop and build prototypes and conduct testing trials.

  1. Gloucestershire based health and safety company received £53k in first year of claims

Incorporated in 2016, the company is a true innovator engaged in a combination of scientific R&D and internationally recognised testing at each stage of development, across diverse sectors to protect people and places. The research they undertake greatly enhances the health and safety of people and a myriad of built environments, along with the traceability and authentication of manufacturing materials. They strive through continuous investment into R&D projects to develop leading-edge safety technology that is making a major contribution to improving the capabilities of UK plc and industry throughout the world. They believe that the formula to their success lies in the versatility and comprehensiveness of their solutions that satisfy world class work environmental process needs. The company shows continued growth of capability of the business through additional employees, sub-contractors, and test equipment.

  1. Chesterfield oil filtration company awarded £6k

Incorporated in 2005, the company is an expert in oil filtration and the oil analysis industry, providing clients with everything needed for a wide range of oil or diesel filtration and analysis needs. The company prides itself on ensuring that all oil filtration needs are catered for, from initial setting up, staff training or sampling procedures, right through to aftercare customer service and product support, ensuring its many customers are not only supplied with the correct products and solutions, but also know how to use them effectively.

  1. Leicestershire IT Support and consultancy firm received £4k

The company utilise cutting-edge technology and employ only the most dedicated staff to help build long standing relationships with their clients. The company has become one of the leading customer services driven IT support and consultancy businesses in the UK. Their capabilities and products lead them to be at the forefront of their niche industry in an exceptionally complex, demanding, and cutting-edge technology sector. This requires the company to develop technologically challenging solutions both in product development and process methodology development and to use techniques in innovative new ways and applications. The company has a choice of three superb packages Remote Support, Support+ and Bespoke, meaning that they remain competitively priced for all their services.

  1. Leicestershire ventilation manufacturing company awarded £29k taking total claims over seven years to £107k

Incorporated in 2013, the company is an established designer, developer, manufacturer, and supplier to the ventilation industry. The company’s own and selected trained and certified sub-contract installation and site engineers ensure that works are carried out to the highest possible standards and, as a result, Alpha confidently offers long-term warranties on all contracts. Products and solutions are developed to integrate into the working environment, improve productivity and reduce the exposure of the workforce to harmful dusts and fumes.

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