- Warwickshire-based manufacturer of agricultural and forestry machinery awarded £246k in first claim
Since the company’s inception in 1993, it has been at the forefront of innovation and development in the specialist field of shredders, wood-chippers, and flow mowers. It has a dedicated team of professionals with experience in this Industry and has always sought to bring new ideas to this traditional industry. The company has an enviable record for exports and its products are sold throughout the world, it capitalises extensively on its innovative designs and reputation for reliable products.
- Leicestershire-based recovery of sorted materials company received £774k
The company has been at the leading edge of high technology, industrial and commercial reclamation, and recycling since 1998. The company continually invests in custom-designed systems and machinery to meet increasing demands and grow infrastructure capacity. The company’s expertise has enabled them to develop unique processes that form the basis of their sustainable, environmental services, which empower their clients to comply with environmental regulations, and quality assurance standards and improve cost efficiencies through reduced waste.
- Kent-based manufacturer of metal structures awarded £90k in first claim
Established in 1998, the company have extensive experience and expertise in metal fabrication, welding, and assembly services. They work with a variety of metals, including stainless steel, mild steel, and aluminium, and can produce a wide range of custom-made metal products, from small brackets and components to large-scale structural frameworks. The company has a team of highly skilled and experienced engineers, fabricators, and welders who are committed to delivering exceptional products and services to their clients.
- Hertfordshire-based publisher of journals and periodicals received £10k
Established in 1981, the company works in partnership with over 20 different trade bodies and holds over 100,000 key industry contacts and is a major player in the recruitment process in the leisure market, bringing together jobseekers and recruiters. The company is known for innovating which led to the production of digital editions in 2007.
- Cornwall-based manufacturer of joinery and carpentry awarded £30k
Incorporated in 1984, the company has embraced new technologies as they have become available and has also helped in the development of machinery and software for the Trussed Rafter Industry as a whole. Whether a client’s project is a small porch extension or a large public building, the company can assist in developing the perfect solution.
- Leicestershire-based manufacturer of blinds received £23k
Since 2001 the company has designed, manufactured and installed tailored blinds of an extremely high calibre to exact measurements and customer specifications. R&D is fundamental to the business as the only UK manufacturer of vehicle blinds; two other UK companies can supply vehicle blinds that are purchased from Italy and Spain. Despite regularly adopting high-risk R&D projects, the SME remains profitable and the company’s reputation for innovation has spread internationally with customers as far as New Zealand.
- Derbyshire-based manufacturer of plastic products awarded £60k taking total claims to £518k
Founded in 1965, the company’s research and development team work collaboratively with two wholly owned subsidiary companies. The company strives to develop safe and quality polyethene pipeline components through innovation and take care of the entire pipe life cycle. From design, development & manufacture through to installation, repair, and rehabilitation.
- Shropshire-based motion controls solutions company awarded £14k
The company is a specialist engineer, operating internationally in the field of motion control systems. The company’s purpose is to design and implement innovative motion control solutions, that provide clients with all the functionality and control they need for a wide variety of automated production systems.
- Hertfordshire-based computer systems company received £189k in first claim
Formed in 2003, the company’s main activity is designing and developing bespoke computer systems for use in the financial services sector. The company have invested a great deal of time and resource to become a market-leading provider of bespoke financial services software. This was recognised within the industry when the company won the Best Technology Provider Award at the 2018 Financial Reporter Awards, with many more accolades received since.
- Leicester-based plate fabrications company awarded £52k
Incorporated in 1986, the company is one of the UK’s leading ductwork developers, manufacturers, and sheet metal workers. A key operational focus is on service in partnership with its customers, to develop bespoke, fit-for-purpose products at commercially viable costs which results in the building of long-term, trusted relationships.
Could you be eligible for an R&D Tax Credits claim?
During these turbulent economic times, businesses across the country are looking for solutions to their cash flow problems. Many companies are looking for grants and loans and overlook that fact they could be eligible for R&D Tax Credits. By successfully claiming R&D Tax Credits, your company could receive a cash injection from HMRC in as little as four weeks.
Call our experts today on 01332 477 070 for a free, no obligation eligibility consultation. Your business could be our next success story!