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Author: Gareth Smyth

K3 Capital Group is marking Pride throughout the month of June with a series of exciting initiatives centred on LGBTQ+ topics.

With diversity and inclusivity being of the utmost importance, not only within a workplace environment but in life, K3’s Idea Allies group has chosen Pride as one of four global events being celebrated over the next 12 months.

Idea Allies are a group-wide virtual team assembled to help ensure the company recruits and develops talent from all backgrounds, life experiences, preferences and beliefs.

The name is based upon an acronym – I is for Inclusivity, D is for Diversity, E is for Equality and A is for Awareness as K3 symbolises its focus on the culture of belonging.

Louise Roberts, Chief People Officer for K3 Capital Group, said: “Elevating diversity and inclusivity is one of the five key pillars that form the People Strategy at K3 Capital Group, ensuring we have an environment where our people can be their true selves – the right people in the right roles with the right support, giving them the opportunity to flourish.”

The Idea Allies group comprises a proactive team of staff who are passionate about diversity and inclusivity and are able to commit time at regular intervals to fulfilling the People Vision objective.

A key initiative undertaken by the team was to identify four celebration activities throughout the year at which staff can connect to further develop the inclusive culture.

In highlighting Pride, the aim is to bring awareness to topics and challenges that can have a profound impact on the lives of many colleagues, friends and family.

The activities that have been planned for June 2023 are:

Supporting the Albert Kennedy Trust

During the month of June, we are supporting the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT). The trust supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are facing or experiencing homelessness or live in a hostile environment. In addition to organising local fundraisers including dress-down days and cake sales in individual offices, we are also selling Pride badges with all money raised going to the AKT.

We have created a JustGiving Page for the AKT: www.justgiving.com/page/k3c-akt

Guest speaker – Julie Miller

We are excited to have secured a remarkable guest speaker to talk about transgender awareness. Julie Miller spent 25 years in the British Army, retiring as a Major in 2018, but kept her transgender status a secret for fear of being discharged on mental health grounds. Since 2018, Julie has been giving transgender awareness presentations to schools, universities, hospitals, prisons, police, councils and private industry. Julie’s talk has been scheduled online for 2pm BST on Wednesday June 14th and will be recorded for any staff unavailable at that time.

Pride Playlist

K3 Capital Group staff were invited to offer suggestions for songs by LGBTQ+ artists, and/or with LGBTQ+ themes, to form a playlist which can be enjoyed and discovered by the entire group. Available on Spotify, the playlist comprises 48 tracks by artists including k.d. lang, Queen, Sam Smith, Elton John, George Michael, Pet Shop Boys, Soft Cell and Ricky Martin.

The playlist can be accessed here: K3 Capital Pride 2023 – playlist by Fiammetta Gianni | Spotify

Email signature and adding pronouns to emails

During June, staff have been given the option to use specially-created email signatures to demonstrate our solidity with the LBGTQ+ community, while also being invited to add pronouns to their email signature.

K3 Capital Group is proud to celebrate the month of Pride!