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Sector: Manufacturing & Engineering

Claim Value: £540,000

Randduk: Expert R&D Tax Credit Specialists for Manufacturing & Engineering Companies

"Randd secures an additional £540,000 in R&D Tax Credits for a Manufacturing Company."

Randd uk was approached by a manufacturing firm, who were already working with a sizeable accountancy firm. This had enabled the company to previously claim in excess of £50, 000 in the past. Having come across randd’s website, the company believed they could further maximise the R&D reward and invited randd to re-evaluate their previous claims.

Randd’s unique approach identified an area of R&D tax credits derived from standard overhead costs such as wages, utility bills, materials, prototypes and subcontractors’ costs.

Following this discovery, randd’s team of industry experts worked closely with the firm to further understand their company. Through this, randd determined exactly which business activities qualified as research and development.

This resulted in randd securing an additional £540,000 in R&D Tax Credits for the company, a tenfold improvement on their return when working with their accountants. Randd make the process easy, painless and quick with some cash awards arriving back to our clients in as little as 6 weeks.

Since starting in 2008, randd have helped win nearly £150 million back for their clients and have been recognised as industry leaders. Their expert team includes technical professionals and fully Chartered Accountants who have specialist knowledge to identify less obvious eligible R&D activities which allows them to maximise claim sums in the minimum time whilst simplyfying the process for clients.

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Claim Value: £106,271