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Briton Fabricators

Sector: Construction & Property, Manufacturing & Engineering

Claim Value: £500,000

"Overall, the company has netted over half a million pounds.”

Based in Nottingham, Briton Fabricators Limited are experts in steelwork infrastructures, working on a multitude of projects including installations for road, rail and nuclear. The company is a market leader in the design, build and installation of bridges and gantries such as the award-winning Cathedral Green Swing Bridge in Derby.

Research and development has enabled the development and manufacture of complex elements such as curve footbridges in composite materials. This innovative approach has also extended to specialist software, specifically to cover the applications of weathering grade steels. These steels eliminate the need for regular painting to avoid corrosion, reducing the upkeep and cost of traditional steel bridges.

R&D tax credits have enabled Briton Fabricators to improve the design and build process, as well as employ local people. Investment in more apprentices on the shop floor and in their technical department will enable more research and development work in the future.

Our client, Dean Morcom, was understandably delighted with the results that secured over £500,000: “The first claim was retrospective for the first two years – that yielded £261,000. And then there were a further two periods after that. Overall, the company has netted over half a million pounds.”

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Claim Value: £106,271