ExCel London – 23/24 November 2022
Thank you for joining us at the Floodex 2022.
We look forward to working with you to maximise your R&D Tax Credits Claim.
ExCel London – 23/24 November 2022
Thank you for joining us at the Floodex 2022.
We look forward to working with you to maximise your R&D Tax Credits Claim.
The Drainage industry is constantly evolving to adapt to the ever changing demands. R&D tax credits can help to sustain this innovation.
Examples of eligible activities:
A Southwest based Civil Engineering company recently successfully claim £11,000 in R&D Tax Credits. The company are involved in many critical infrastructure and engineering projects across the whole of the UK. Undertaking projects, both large and small, not only in the IT and Telecommunications markets but also in the residential and commercial-development infrastructure sectors.
Research and development is a vital element for delivering bespoke solutions whilst complying with the latest building standards and regulations. The company’s proactive R&D programme integrates new materials and manufacturing technologies whilst maintaining traditional and aesthetically pleasing construction. Bespoke solutions through intense testing and problem solving require carrying out eligible activities for R&D tax credits.
We Can Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Claim
“Hi, I’m Paul Grabham. I am an engineer specialising in R&D Tax Credits with randd uk for over 6 years. I have helped many companies in construction locate R&D costs within their operations, that previously had been missed or discounted. My construction, architecture and building materials knowledge has enabled me to help randd clients to claim successfully with the most complex projects. Stop by for a chat during the event to discover how much more funding is available to you”
How much can I claim? Start my claim