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Fintech Connect 2022

Fintech Connect 2022

ExCel London – 30th November – 1st December 2022

Thank you for joining us at the Fintech Connect 2022.

We look forward to working with you to maximise your R&D Tax Credits Claim.

Financial Technology Research and Development

The Financial Technology sector is constantly evolving to adapt to the ever changing demands of the industry. R&D tax credits can help to sustain this innovation.

Examples of eligible activities:

  • Creating or developing new algorithms or software
  • Overcoming technical issues such as compatibility, stability, scalability and more
  • Reverse engineering to access and update systems
  • Bespoke projects using technologically innovative solutions
  • Responding to changes and updates in software, IT and communication systems
  • Making improvements in cyber security and data security

Case Study:

The company delivers a cloud-based workflow process targeted at accounting firms. Initially focused on self-made superannuation funds in Australia, of which there are around 600,000. As a relatively new concept, many firms were trying to understand the process for auditing these and producing quarterly and annual year-end accounts for them. With no existing process in place, the company developed several templates for use by administrators and auditors.

Hosting these accounts in a cloud-based environment, the business deployed the system and analysed how clients used the process.

Over the years, this has continued to evolve, and the company took the decision to look at the UK as a broader market. This was down to the discovery that many accountants in the UK are not as highly automated as in Australia, and still operate manual processes. To do that, they needed a lot of work adjusting the platform. MyWorkpapers collaborated with an accounting body in Germany that wanted some multilingual capabilities. Having developed that, the workflow process has been offered as a cloud solution for about three years and continues to grow in attraction.

Get In Touch

We Can Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Claim

“Hi, I’m Paul Grabham. I am an engineer specialising in R&D Tax Credits with randd uk, over 6 years. I have helped many companies in construction locate R&D costs within their operations, that previously had been missed or discounted.  My construction, architecture and building materials knowledge has enabled me to help randd clients to claim successfully with the most complex projects. Stop by for a chat during the event to discover how much more funding is available to you”

How much can I claim? Start my claim

Call  01332 477070 to speak to our experts.

Finance Technology with randd

Our experience team have specialist knowledge and a strong relationship with HMRC to ensure the maximum amount claim for our clients

Case Studies

Read about the work we have recently completed in your sector